Why You Need to Focus on Wellness

Why You Need to Focus on Wellness | Verishop


In our increasingly health-conscious society, we are constantly encouraged by medical experts, personal fitness gurus, and nutritionists to remain active, watch our diets, and find ways that center our health and wellness in order to ensure a long and satisfying life. But what if we told you that one of the ways you can ensure a healthy lifestyle and focus on wellness would be to simply put more importance on your sex life?

We know that there are many pleasure perks to sex. But, did you also realize that there is a multitude of health benefits available to you from the act of sex as well? Whether you are arousing yourself, sharing a sexual experience with another partner, or even a personal vibrator, sexual activity can help with everything from boosting your immunity to lowering your risk of cancer and heart-related problems. 

This kind of attention to your body and all the things that it draws pleasure from can also go as far as helping promote a healthier body image and level of comfort in your own skin.

So what exactly are some of the more important reasons why you should focus on a healthy sex life if you are interested in achieving wellness?

Protect Against Germs

Whether its that pesky fly that is circulating or you are worried about coming into contact with germs on daily surfaces, experts claim that the more sex you have, the stronger your immunity will be. 

Studies suggest that having sex boosts your body’s ability to generate protective antibodies against bacteria, viruses, and other germs that cause common illnesses such as colds, coughs, and the common flu. By ramping up your sex life, you may just be doing your part to create a needed defense against a variety of contagious illnesses.

Prevent High Blood Pressure

Millions of people suffer from high blood pressure and need medication as a result, in order to combat this prevalent issue. Experts now suggest that maintaining an active sex life – that is, having sex rather than simply masturbating – can help lower systolic blood pressure and get it back in the ballpark of a healthy range. 

While doctors caution that sex cannot replace blood-pressure-lowering drugs, especially in cases where patients have high blood pressure, adding one or two sessions of sexual activity a week can certainly be helpful.

Gets You Active

Are you interested in getting active but find it hard to get off the couch and into your work-out regimen? Experts suggest that having sex at least once or twice a week can actually be a great way to get physically active and burn calories while doing so. 

While sitting and watching television only results in the loss of one calorie per minute, having sex can help you burn – on average – five or more calories. While sexual activity cannot necessarily replace regular workout practices such as running on the treadmill or biking, it can certainly help increase your heart rate and activate various muscles.

Reducing Risk of Prostate Cancer

While having sex can have specific benefits for women, such as strengthening their bladder and pelvic floor muscles, it can also benefit men in important ways. Experts indicate that there is evidence that men who had frequent ejaculations (that is, at least twenty-one times a month or more) were less likely to develop prostate cancer. 

Men who had few ejaculations, however, were more vulnerable to the risks. Studies indicate that no matter if the ejaculations occurred during sexual intercourse with a partner, moments of self-pleasure, or even, as a result, nocturnal emissions, the rule of frequent ejaculations stood. While the more scientific study is still needed, researchers were impressed by their initial findings.

Improve Cardiovascular Health

As people age, their medical practitioners increasingly caution them about failing to incorporate cardiovascular exercise in their day-to-day regimen. Thankfully, experts are happy to report that better cardiovascular health can be achieved in the gym along with the bedroom.

 While some worry that by exerting themselves through sexual activity can lead to a stroke, medical experts argue that this is not as much of a risk as we might think. In fact, in a recent study of over 900 men, researchers found that the amount of sex did not increase a person’s risk of having a stroke. 

Rather, researchers discovered that by having sex, people – especially men – were actually protecting themselves from fatal heart attacks. Experts suggest that having sex at least twice per week men can actually reduce the risk of a fatal heart by, at the very least, fifty percent.

Thanks to the work of academics, medical doctors, scientists, nutritionists, and exercise experts, we know much more about the physical benefits of sex and how engaging in this pleasurable activity can also have a benefit on your physical wellness and overall well-being. 

Whether you are looking for an arousing way to reduce your stress, increase the benefits of your sleep, boost your immunity, or protect against cancer, high blood pressure, stroke or a heart attack – having a healthy sex life can actually work wonders in terms of meeting your sexual desires and adding years to your life.