Watching porn regularly changes one`s sexual taste and preference, one which was disgusting, distasteful, are the causes of arousal. The extremely violent, sadistic sex acts seem to be normal; it is no more unethical. Instinct can be changed if one is continually exposed to specific external factors. All mammal brain has a reward center in it. This part of the brain makes you feel good if you perform something which encourages healthy living. This act could be anything, eating to keep you alive, constructing a loving, understanding relationship, or lovemaking. The brain secretes a mixture of pleasure chemicals to bring the feel-good factor. Click to read more about it.
These chemicals not only make you feel good but does something more. It structures new nerve conduits to associate the pleasure you are experiencing while performing these acts. The sensation you are experiencing stimulates you to perform those tasks over and over again. The link between reward and activity establish involuntarily, even if you do not intend to do it. Neurons work in a mechanism, which you cannot control.
Typically, the brain’s reward center encourages one to carry out healthy behavior supporting life systems. But when those pleasures chemical gets associated with something unethical, it has a negative impact. When one watches porn for being entertained, the brain starts building a link between the feeling of arousal and the sexually explicit visual on the screen. As porn becomes a regular part of their life, the explored genus of porn does not appeal, as it used to. The person seeks pleasure through more hardcore, violent porn.
56% of regular porn consumers say that their taste and preference regarding porn have changed, now they are more attracted to extreme bondage, group sex staff. Things that used to be disgusting now are dear things of arousal. The sexual taste changes so profoundly that partner does not cause any stimulation, but porn does. The violent, abusive sex seems more normal, acceptable, and sometimes they want to implement it in their real life. People exposed to porn where copulation with animals, extreme BDSM are shown tend to think violent sex is a common practice. When one starts believing a behavior is standard, they try to implement it.